The film's events revolve around Abdo (Ahmed Mazhar), who works as a teacher in a girls' school instead of his colleague Jamal (Omar Al-Hariri), who has gained wide popularity among the girls, especially Attiyat (Souad Hosni). Abdo marries his student Atiyat, but their marital relationship experiences a lot of tension because of Abdo's constant suspicion of his wife and his belief that she is having an affair with Jamal.
Ahmed Mazhar
as عبده
Soad Hosny
as عطيات
Omar El-Hariri
as جمال
Abdel Moneim Ibrahim
as حموده
Abdel Warith Assir
as خليل أفندي
Ahmed Abaza
as الشيخ البهبهاني
Kamel Anwar
as مصيلحي
Ahmed Abu Abiya
as Saad
Samia Roshdy
as أم رشدي
Houda Shams El Den
as راقصة
Shokoko El Soghayar
as رشدي
Ahmed Abu Abiya
as سعد الجارسون