Aicha, a Tunisian mother gifted with prophetic dreams, lives in the isolated north of Tunisia with her husband Brahim and young son Adam. The family lives in anguish after the departure of the eldest sons Mehdi and Amine to the violent embrace of war. Months later, Mehdi unexpectedly returns home with a pregnant wife in tow. Mehdi's arrival triggers old wounds and a darkness that threatens to consume the entire village.
Salha Nasraoui
as Aïcha
Mohamed Grayaâ
as Brahim
Malek Mechergui
as Mehdi
Adam Bessa
as Bilal
Dea Liane
as Reem
Rayene Mechergui
as Adam
Chaker Mechergui
as Amine
Mariem Jlassi Akkari
as Fatma
Neji Kanaweti
as Othmen
Chakib Romdhani
as Nabil
Hélène Catzaras
as Moufida
Noomen Hamda
as Combatant Senior