In a shadowy world stitched from nightmares, a young woman's harrowing journey in a seedy hotel unveils her traumatic past. Haunted by violence and stalked through desolate streets, her psyche unravels as she confronts an abusive husband and unsettling memories.
Adrienne Barrett
as The Gamin
Bruno VeSota
as Rich Man
Ben Roseman
as Father
Richard Barron
as Evil One
Ed Hinkle
as Butler
Lucille Rowland
as Mother
Jebbie VeSota
as Flower Girl
Faith Parker
as Nightclub Dancer
Gayne Sullivan
as Wino
Shorty Rogers
as Shorty Rogers
Shelley Berman
as Stoned Beatnik (uncredited)
Duane Grey
as Policeman (uncredited)