Acclaimed Finnish director Rauni Mollberg made several scandalous yet widely appreciated films. Former co-worker Veikko Aaltonen’s eye-opening documentary The Dinosaur looks at the relentless, often disturbing directing techniques behind Mollberg’s art and success.
Rauni Mollberg
as Self (archive footage)
Veikko Aaltonen
as Self / Narrator (voice)
Antti-Jussi Annila
as Self
Selma Vilhunen
as Self
Juho Kuosmanen
as Self
Miia Tervo
as Self
Markku Koski
as Self
Jussi Mäkelä
as Self
Antti Alanen
as Self
Veikko Mård
as Self
Esa Vuorinen
as Self
Anja Pohjola
as Self