In a small New England town during the American War of Independence, Dick Dudgeon, a revolutionary American Puritan, is mistaken for local minister Rev. Anthony Anderson and arrested by the British. Dick discovers himself incapable of accusing another human to suffer and continues to masquerade as the reverend.
Burt Lancaster
as Anthony Anderson
Kirk Douglas
as Richard Dudgeon
Laurence Olivier
as Gen. Burgoyne
Janette Scott
as Judith Anderson
Eva Le Gallienne
as Mrs. Dudgeon
Harry Andrews
as Maj. Swindon
Basil Sydney
as Lawyer Hawkins
George Rose
as British Sergeant
Neil McCallum
as Christie Dudgeon
Mervyn Johns
as Rev. Maindeck Parshotter
David Horne
as Uncle William
Erik Chitty
as Uncle Titus