Haymaker follows a retired Muay Thai fighter working as a bouncer, who rescues an alluring transgender performer from a nefarious thug, eventually becoming her bodyguard, protector, and confidant. The relationship leads Sasso's character to make an unexpected return to fighting, risking not only his relationship, but his life. Its a story about human dignity and love.
Nomi Ruiz
as Nomi
Nick Sasso
as Nick
D.B. Sweeney
as Mack
Udo Kier
as David
John Ventimiglia
as Javier
Zoë Bell
as Rosie
Veronica Falcón
as Marisol
Kathryn Kates
as Mama
Olan Montgomery
as Bluto
Deborah Unger
as Nurse June
David M Sandoval Jr.
as Fighter
Adele René
as Delilah