After Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, and Rabbit see Christopher Robin making a valentine for -- gasp! -- a girl, they find he's been bitten by a "Smitten" and is lovesick! Worried that he'll no longer have time for them, and hoping a second bite from the love bug will cure him, they set out on a wild adventure to capture the Smitten. This wonderful story, filled with magic and whimsy, and sweetened with three new songs, reminds us all that the heart is big and always has plenty of room for friends -- old and new.
Jerome Beidler
as Roo (voice)
Brady Bluhm
as Christopher Robin (voice)
Peter Cullen
as Eeyore (voice)
Jim Cummings
as Winnie the Pooh / Tigger (singing voice)
John Fiedler
as Piglet (voice)
Michael Gough
as Gopher (voice)
Steven Schachter
as Piglet (singing voice)
Andre Stojka
as Owl (voice)
Ken Sansom
as Rabbit (voice)
David Warner
as Narrator (voice)
Paul Winchell
as Tigger (voice)