Set in the remote Scottish town of Fort William on Christmas Eve, when life is turned upside down for Jen and Rob. Suddenly finding themselves heartbroken, single and stranded, they team up to try and reach home 100 miles away to be with their families. "Borrowing" Jen’s now ex-boyfriend’s classic car, the pair hit the road, but it’s not long before the weather turns for the worse forcing them to continue their journey on foot.
Natalie Clarke
as Jen
Kenny Boyle
as Rob
Sylvester McCoy
as Ernie
Sanjeev Kohli
as Sid
Clare Grogan
as Anna
Frazer Hines
as Frank
Caitlin Blackwood
as Clara
Alasdair McCrone
as James
Karen Bartke
as Ellen
Alexander Teunion
as Chris
Nicolette McKeown
as Nicki
Stephen Wright
as The Band