A young Irish boy named Keegan and Spanish girl named Moya journey into a magical world of the Megaloceros Giganteus who teach them to appreciate Riverdance as a celebration of life. Based on the stage show phenomenon of the same name and featuring Bill Whelan’s multi-platinum Grammy Award-winning music.
Pierce Brosnan
as Grandad / Patrick (voice)
Sam Hardy
as Keegan (voice)
Hannah Herman Cortes
as Moya (voice)
Lilly Singh
as Penny (voice)
Jermaine Fowler
as Benny (voice)
John Kavanagh
as Gatekeeper (voice)
Pauline McLynn
as Grandma (voice)
Aisling Bea
as Margot (voice)
Brendan Gleeson
as Huntsman (voice)
Danny McColgan
as (voice)
Stephen Delahunty
as Townsfolk (voice)
Conor Drum