In A Silent Way centers around a young jazz guitarist, Jazzen Goodman, who dreams of becoming a jazz legend. He hires his best friend Dylan to film him on his journey through the jazz world. After being upstaged by his old bandmate at a house show where their now dueling bands are on the same bill, Jazzen has a dream about his death. Haunted by this "premonition" that he will meet his death in 30 days, Jazzen starts to devise a surefire plan that will take him to his ultimate goal of "post-mortem solidification into the annals of jazz history".
Nicolai Dorian
as Jazzen Goodman
Kimball Farley
as Al
Dillon Stucky
as Yoshi
Kinshuk Sen
as Anderson
Jim Meskimen
as Tape McDuffy
Nicholas Tuttle
as Nikaras