In this quick British comedy short, Amina is a young Muslim guitarist who recently stopped playing due to her nerves. In her pursuit of a man, she seeks the help of Lady Parts, an all-female Muslim punk trio in need of a lead guitarist.
Ritu Arya
as Saira
Juliette Motamed
as Ayesha
Lucie Shorthouse
as Momtaz
Anjana Vasan
as Amina
Danielle Vitalis
as Bisma
David Avery
as Abdullah
Shobu Kapoor
as Seema
Madhav Sharma
as Tariq
Daniel Delaney
as Drunk Lad 2
Mikhael DeVille
as Severe Son
Jake Felts
as Drunk Lad 1
Gina Gangar
as Severe Mum