Tells the story of detective Remo Bellini, who gets pulled into a web of death and mysteries that take him to a world of illusions where everything is a self-created fantasy. He's taken by this evil inside that makes him lose a sense of reality with visions, anguish and loneliness - everything takes him down a path of no return. He can't understand what's happening, but the deaths surrounding him are getting closer and closer. It's a race against time before it's too late.
Fábio Assunção
as Remo Bellini
Rosanne Mulholland
as Gala
Beto Coville
as Mariano
Caroline Abras
as Sílvia
Luíza Curvo
as Clarisse
Marília Gabriela
as Letícia
Malu Bierrenbach
as Érica
Christiano Cochrane
as Malta
Nill Marcondes
as Zanqueta
Marco Luque
as Alex
Carol Abras
Caroline Abras