In this engaging adaptation of James Gould Cozzen's novel The Last Adam, film icon Will Rogers portrays Dr. George Bull, a compassionate, highly regarded small-town physician who often prescribes a healthy dose of common sense! But when Bull begins dating a widow (Vera Allen), the local gossips misconstrue the story. To make matters worse, Bull's plainspoken manner earns him an enemy in the wealthy owner of a nearby construction camp. But once it's learned that the camp has caused illness by polluting the local water supply, the good doctor steps in to try to restore the town's health - and his reputation!
Will Rogers
as Dr. George 'Doc' Bull
Ralph Morgan
as Dr. Verney
Andy Devine
as Larry Ward
Rochelle Hudson
as Virginia (Muller)/Banning
Vera Allen
as Mme Janet 'Jane' Cardmaker
Marian Nixon
as May Tupping
Howard Lally
as Joe Tupping
Berton Churchill
as Herbert Banning
Louise Dresser
as Mme Herbert Banning
Tempe Pigott
as Grandma Banning
Elizabeth Patterson
as Aunt Patricia Banning
Nora Cecil
as Aunt Emily Banning