In the distant future, the gap between rich and poor has become immeasurable. Wealthy enclosures like Parkland, home of medical pioneer Dr. Roland Parker, are home to few. With medical technology, Parkland's rich are able to buy their immortality through organs from the poor. When Detective Quinn is assigned to capture an escaped donor from his slum, he unknowingly becomes a donor for Parker. As his days alive diminish, Quinn races to expose a conspiracy fueled by the murder of innocent people.
Rick Rossovich
as Sgt. James 'Jimmy' Quinn
Claudette Mink
as Kyra Russell
Ellen Dubin
as Lisabeth Parker
Peter MacNeill
as Captain Desalvo
Richard Eden
as York Beal
Joseph Scoren
as Scotty Hutton
Rod Wilson
as Craig Morel
A.C. Peterson
as Leo
Désirée Nosbusch
as Lindsay Quinn
Udo Kier
as Dr. Roland Parker
Zehra Leverman
as Asia Gardner
Tara Samuel
as Shala