This is the true story of Freddy and Walter – two young Slovak Jews, who were deported to Auschwitz in 1942. On 10 April 1944, after meticulous planning, they manage to escape. While the inmates they had left behind courageously stand their ground against the Nazi officers, the two men are driven on by the hope that their evidence could save lives.
Noël Czuczor
as Freddy
Peter Ondrejička
as Valér
John Hannah
as Warren
Wojciech Mecwaldowski
as Kozlowski
Jacek Beler
as Heršek
Jan Nedbal
as Pavel
Michal Režný
as Marcel
Kamil Nożyński
as Juzek
Aleksander Mincer
as Kaczmarek
Ksawery Szlenkier
as Adamek
Christoph Bach
as Schwarzhuber
Florian Panzner
as Lausmann