Tentacolino, or "In Search for the Titanic" tells the story of the familiar characters Juan and Elizabeth, along with their mice friends Top Connors and Ronnie and their bring-along-dog Smile. After the five end up in a submarine accident, they’re taken to the wonderful lost city of Atlantis. There they discover a rebellion of rats who want to break free from the city and take over the world.
Rodolfo Bianchi
as Re (voice)
Fabio Boccanera
as Don Juan (voice)
Paolo Buglioni
as Ice (voice)
Jane Alexander
as Elizabeth (voice)
Fabrizio Vidale
as Cutter (voice)
Anna Mazzotti
as Ronnie (voice)
Christian Iansante
as (voice)
Oliviero Dinelli
as Tentacolino (voice)