A nine year old boy named Joey, who after the tragic death of his father, begins to experience psychic powers such as allowing him to move inanimate objects with his mind, set things on fire, and even communicate with his dead father. However, not everything is good for Joey as his newly gained powers accidentally awake an evil supernatural force that is contained inside the body of an old ventriloquist's dummy that Joey found in an abandoned house. The supernatural Dummy shows similar powers to Joey's, and soon he puts the lives of everyone near Joey in danger as the evil Dummy has dark plans for Joey's special powers.
Joshua Morrell
as Joey
Eva Kryll
as Laura Collins
Tammy Shields
as Sally
Jan Zierold
as Martin
Barbara Klein
as Dr. Haiden
Jerry L. Hall Jr.
as William
Sean Johnson
as Bobby
Matthias Kraus
as Bernie
Ray Kaselonis
as Steven
Christine Goebbels
as Alice
Axel Berg
as Ralph
Jack Angel
as Fletcher the Dummer (English Version, voice)