These Uncertain Times is an experimental short film conceived as a way to keep making films during the COVID-19 crisis. The first film maker was given no prompt, no story, no line of dialogue; nothing, and was tasked with filming and cutting the first 60 seconds of a short film. This was then handed off to the next film maker who continued the story with their own 60 seconds and handing it off to the next film maker. Each artist only having 24 hours to complete their section.
Chris Fitz
as Chris
Candace LaRicci
as Candace
Greg Johnson
as Greg
Timothy Anderson Jr.
as Tim
Bradley Tyler Hawthorne
as Brad
Dee Herlihy
as Dee
Jason Michael Miller
as Henson Grown Up
Joe Lampard
as Joe
Justin Liebergen
as Justin
Samantha B. Northart
as Sam
Joe Trabucco
as Joe
Christie Schwartzman
as Christie