Kurt is a stage actor in Munich theatres. He has a critical view at our society and relationships become too close very fast. Often his attitude is upsetting his fellow men. “To change the world – start with yourself!” Kurt hires a camerawoman to make videos of his everyday life which hopefully enable him to solve his problems.
Michael Ransburg
as Kurt
Stefanie von Poser
as Leni
Sonia Hausséguy
as Michelle
Ulla Geiger
as Frau KF (voice)
Andy Herzog
as Johnny
Stefanie Achatz
as Irina
Claudia Helene Hinterecker
as Sigrid
Isabella Leicht
as Inga
Guido Frank
as Marc
Maxi Pleschucsnik
as Kundin
Sandro Di Stefano
as Herr Max
Johannes Habla
as Herr Conrad