A bold anthology feature film made by an all-female creative team and cast. Based on the popular play of the same name the 80-minute movie follows 10 women scorned as they directly address their exes' new wives and lovers at an open mic night in Los Angeles. Created by a dynamic group of emerging filmmakers at a time when audiences are demanding films made both by and for women, the project taps into a social and political climate that's left women poised to take back their voices and be heard.
Leslie Simms
as Harriet
Skyler Vallo
as Bethany
Dawn Noel
as Melanie
Mara Klein
as Karen
Charlotte Evelyn Williams
as Zoe
Lavetta Cannon
as Sheila
Lauren Emily Castle
as Faye
Samantha Carro
as Elissa
Kelly L. Goodman
as Miriam
Alexandra Boylan
as Alexis