Ellie lives in a distant city. One day, the evil witch Gingema conjured a hurricane that took Ellie and her dog Totoshka to the country of the Munchkins. To return home, Ellie and her friends the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion will set off along the yellow brick road to the Emerald City in search of the Wizard who will grant their cherished wishes.
Екатерина Червова
as Elli
Юрий Колокольников
as Zheleznyy Drovosek
Артур Ваха
as Truslivyy Lev (voice)
Светлана Ходченкова
as Bastinda
Vasilina Makovtseva
as Gingema
Дмитрий Чеботарёв
as Urfin Dzhyus
Сергей Епишев
as Lyudoyed
Денис Власенко
as Totoshka (voice)
Егор Корешков
as Papa Elli
Софья Лебедева
as Mama Elli
Яна Сексте
as Ramina (voice)
Александра Богданова
as Villina