The genre of the film DUST could be called fantastic realism or existential drama with elements of the fantastic. Dust means the haste in which people live. Dust is a common misconception, the natural clogging up of the brain. Specks of dust how scientists perceive people, scientists who think they know more than anyone else about the universe.
Алексей Подольский
as Лёша
Пётр Мамонов
as Профессор
Gleb Mikhailov
as тело
Nina Yelisova
as Бабушка
Mikhail Balinsky
as Друг
Oleg Novikov
as Ассистент
Larisa Pyatnitskaya
as Психолог
Алексей Агеев
Псой Короленко
Dmitrij Pimenov
Алексей Знаменский
as слабослышащий
Максим Тиунов
as слабослышащий