In this French gangster drama, a young hoodlum, new to his famed father's dubious profession, successfully completes his first hit but then finds himself trapped in between a brutal vendetta between rival gangs. To save himself, Francois joins forces with a motley gang of crooks, led by the emotionally unstable Rufin, and tries to wait the situation out while amusing himself with the affections of a nightclub chanteuse. Meanwhile, his colleagues are being killed off, one by one, leaving him to wonder whether or not his father will use his clout to save him.
Arnaud Giovaninetti
as François
Daniel Duval
as Bertrand Cardone
Gérald Laroche
as Rufin
Claire Keim
as Claire
Jean Miez
as Michel
Brigitte Catillon
as Jacqueline
Édouard Montoute
as Pascal
Marc Chapiteau
as Marco le louffe
Simon Abkarian
as Simon
Eric Savin
as Doumé
Roger Knobelspiess
as Roger K
Max Morel
as Max