This bitter political satire is based on a theatre play, later made to a movie, of which the current film is a remake.It's main focus is the clientelistic character of Greek politics which makes a well-meaning but naive Health minister to employ an ambitious young provincial with a talent for lying in order to handle the diverse demands of his volatile political clientèle.The provincial becomes the mastermind behind every move of the minister causing the envy of the minister's closest associates and of his good-looking wife, played by rising Greek media star Zeta Makrypoulia. Changes of fortune abound and finally the plot reveals that the lying provincial is not a bad person in heart although he never denounces lying as a survival strategy.
Ιεροκλής Μιχαηλίδης
as Theofilos Ferekis
Οδυσσέας Παπασπηλιόπουλος
as Theodoros Parlas
Ζέτα Μακρυπούλια
as Jenny Fereki
Πυγμαλίων Δαδακαρίδης
as Leonidas
Παύλος Ορκόπουλος
as Agis
Μιχάλης Ιατρόπουλος
as Karabekos
Φωτεινή Μπαξεβάνη
as Koula
Κάτια Γκουλιώνη
as Kali
Θανάσης Δόβρης
as Giannis
Κλέλια Ρένεση
as Stella B
Άκης Σακελλαρίου
as Hatzigeorgiou
Μαρία Φιλίππου
as Mitera Thodorou