After a sudden global event wipes out all electronics and takes away humankind’s ability to sleep, chaos quickly begins to consume the world. Only Jill, an ex-soldier with a troubled past, may hold the key to a cure in the form of her own daughter. The question is, can Jill safely deliver her daughter and save the world before she herself loses her mind.
Gina Rodriguez
as Jill
Ariana Greenblatt
as Matilda
Lucius Hoyos
as Noah
Shamier Anderson
as Dodge
Jennifer Jason Leigh
as Dr. Murphy
Finn Jones
as Brian
Frances Fisher
as Doris
Gil Bellows
as Dr. Katz
Sergio Di Zio
as Dumb Jim
Barry Pepper
as Pastor
Brigitte Robinson
as Marcy
Elias Edraki
as Petty Officer Diaz