A year after the mysterious disappearance of an 8 year-old girl, we meet her grieving family as they return home from her memorial service in their small town. Later that evening, strange lights appear in the nearby forest and the family is exposed to an inexplicably strange phenomenon that rattles them to the core. The origin of the lights appear to be visitors from another world that seemingly terrorize the family. What they don't realize is that these 'beings' will lead the family to the truth behind the little girl's disturbing disappearance.
Laura Fraser
as Olivia Anderson
Mel Raido
as Ray Anderson
Sid Phoenix
as Billy Anderson
Grant Masters
as Kenneth Burroughs
Spike White
as Noah Anderson
Alice Lowe
as Arlene Burroughs
Vincent Regan
as Morgan Anderson
Nicholas Pinnock
as Sheriff Reese Jordan
Bridget Doherty
as Maisie Anderson
Sean Knopp
as Deputy Miles
Kate Coogan
as Deputy Doyle
Charlette Kilby
as Weather Reporter