Set in the crime underworld of South Florida, Jacqueline is used as a pawn by her Miami crime boss father Jimmy Bombay. To expand his crime empire and join forces with an international drug cartel, Jimmy has arranged for Jacqueline to marry Dante Calivari, the son of a foreign drug lord. As Jacqueline fights for her freedom, her only solace is found in the counsel of a priest. But in this world of lies and deception, all is not as it seems as a journey down the aisle turns deadly.
Peter Greene
as Priest
John Trapani
as Jack 'Ace' Black
Ted Bell
as Nick Carson
Angelo Fierro
as John Knight
Sven Garrett
as Ray Gareson
Mike Maria
as Dante Calivari
Sasha Maxime
as Rick Larson
Lauren Ryland
as Boutique clerk
Greg Schroeder
as Jimmy Bombay
A.J. Summers
as Dante Senior
Arlene Tur
as Jacqueline Bombay