Ratnagiri-based young Gargi, who lives a fairly wealthy lifestyle with her widowed mother, Devki, re-locates to Pune to enroll in a hostel. It is here she will have to deal with a hostile room-mate, Roopa Bhattacharya; a wealthy Mohan Ranade, who wants to flirt with her; follow the instructions of her guardian, Shekhar, who wants to wed her; learn dancing and singing from famous maestro Pundit Omkarnath; as well as return home to deal with the fact that her mother had a secret life and that her father is still alive.
Reema Lagoo
as Devki Desai
Tushar Dalvi
Ankush Chaudhari
as Shekhar 'Shirya'
Subodh Bhave
as Shrirang
Mansi Salvi
as Gargi Devki Desai
Aparna Fating
as Roopa Bhattacharya
Shreyas Talpade
as Akash Mohan Ranade
Urmilla Kothare
as Teenaged Devki Desai
Makarand Adkar
Shantanu Adkar
Vinay Apte
as Devki's father-in-law
Madhuri Ashirgade