Based on the hit animated television series, this feature film adaptation tells the story of how Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup - three exuberant young girls - obtain their unique powers, become superheroes and join forces to foil evil mutant monkey Mojo Jojo's plan to take over the world.
Cathy Cavadini
as Blossom (voice)
Tara Charendoff-Strong
as Bubbles (voice)
Elizabeth Daily
as Buttercup (voice)
Roger L. Jackson
as Mojo Jojo (voice)
Tom Kane
as Professor Utonium (voice)
Tom Kenny
as Mayor / Narrator / Ka-Ching Ka-Ching (voice)
Jennifer Hale
as Ms. Keane (voice)
Jennifer Martin
as Miss Bellum (voice)
Jeff Bennett
as Ace / Big Billy / Grubber (voice)
Grey DeLisle
as Linda / Woman at Zoo (voice)
Phil LaMarr
as I.P. Host / Local Anchor (voice)
Rob Paulsen
as Hota Wata / Killa Drilla (voice)