In Manchuria during the 1940's, a karate master named Sazaki and hapkido champion Wang make plans to rob the Korean Independence Army of its funds. However, unknown to them, the money is guarded by one Mr Lee--a grand master of taekwondo.
Han Yong-cheol
as Taekwondo
as Gihwa
Kim Mun-ju
as Wang-ga
Bae Su-chun
as Sasaki
Kim Hong-ji
as Girang (Gihwa's Older Brother)
as Fat Man
Chang Il-sik
as Giant (Sasaki's Subordinate)
Hwang In-cheol
as Sasaki's Subordinate
Ma Ju-haeng
as Royal Servant
as Jangpung, the King's Subordinate
as Royal Servant
Lee Kwon-Wu
as Royal Servant