Asela, a young teacher comes to the Hatagala Elementary School situated in a remote rural village. In a short period of time, he is able to create a new educational awakening in the school with attractive, teaching methods.
Hemal Ranasinghe
as Asela Danture Bandara
Jayalath Manoratne
as Principal Mr.Hewanayake
Priyantha Sirikumara
as Osukula Sir
Kalani Dodantenna
as Erandathi Esmeralda Divithotawila
Giriraj Kaushalya
as Kattadiya
Chamila Peiris
Ananda Kumara Unnahe
as Mudalali
Kaushalaya Fernando
as Amaravathi Teacher
Chandani Seneviratne
as Doctor