Guy, a Haitian boy escaping from poverty, eyewitness the assassination of his parents while crossing the Dominican border. Years later, he confronts the murderers, entangled in a vortex of revenge, love, racial hate and an uncertain future.
Algenis Perez Soto
as Guy
Dalisa Alegría
as Meuda
Manny Perez
as Abes
Frank Perozo
as Capataz
Félix Germán
as Benzo Sánchez
Marie Michelle Bazile
as Zule
Luigi Jean
as Yangui Niño
Eugenia Azpurua
as Meuda Niña
Gerardo Henríquez
as Guy Niño
Kazoul Belizaire
as Lei
Ederson Clot
as Yangui Joven