Every year, Isabelle (Tatyana Ali) and her high school sweetheart Mike (Cornelius Smith Jr.), rocked their small town’s annual Christmas Eve Pageant with a sweet Christmas duet. But after graduation, Isabelle left to study at Juillard in New York – leaving Mike behind. Years later, when Isabelle returns to her hometown to write music for the annual Christmas Eve Pageant, she is shocked to learn that Mike is the one directing the show. Can Isabelle and Mike put the past behind them and reunite on stage for another show-stopping duet?
Tatyana Ali
as Belle Williams
Cornelius Smith, Jr.
as Michael Hill
Obba Babatundé
as Charles Williams
Tempestt Bledsoe
as Jackie
Loretta Devine
as Emory Simons
Keshia Knight Pulliam
as Tori
Valarie Pettiford
as Faith Williams
Dee Wallace
as Shelby
Arsema Kayan Ellison
as Marley
Blake Anthony Crawford
as Kevin
Clotile Bonner
as Lisa
Jay Whittaker
as Nathan