In the summer of 1944, the Nazi Armies prepare a massive Tank Division named 'Viking" for the offensive on occupied Russian land. The Russian Army's special group of seven snipers named "Zvezda" is sent for a reconnaissance operation behind the enemy lines in the back of the Nazi Tank Division. Two previous Russian groups never came back. The seven Russians know that they are going to an almost certain Death for the sake of Victory.
Игорь Петренко
as Lt. Travkin
Алексей Панин
as Sgt. Kostya Mamochkin
Алексей Кравченко
as Sgt. Anikanov
Александр Дьяченко
as Galiyev
Амаду Мамадаков
as Pvt. Temdekov
Максим Браматкин
Екатерина Вуличенко
as Pvt. Katya Simakova
Артём Семакин
Анатолий Гущин
Yuri Laguta
Andrey Egorov
Иван Кокорин
as Meshchersky