Lucien, a modest engineering student, discovers that his steady girl friend Mireille is using him to cover up her dates with Mario, an older man. Lucien wanders about the streets of Paris and meets Joëlle, a sophisticated teenager who supports herself with a job in a sleazy nightclub. It is late when they meet, and Joëlle invites Lucien into the club and demonstrates her stripping act to her one-man audience. A feeling of rapport develops as they go from place to place seeking entertainment; in the morning the two discover they have fallen in love. Mireille learns of the romance and, on a bet, plots with Philippe and other friends to break up the affair. Neither Lucien nor Joëlle, however, succumbs to the propositions of Mireille and Philippe. Later at a nightclub, Mario gives the appearance of seducing Joëlle. Enraged, Lucien rushes at him and they fight. Lucien is reunited with Joëlle--he has learned of the complexities of love, and she has acquired from him a sense of stability.
Christian Pezey
as Lucien
Colette Descombes
as Joëlle
Claude Arnold
as Mireille
Jacques Perrin
as Philippe
Adrienne Servantie
as The Mother
Mario Pilar
as Mario
Corrado Guarducci
as Producer
Michèle Dumontier
as Marianne
René Rozan
as Priest
Marc Halford
as Marc
Marie-Thérèse Navarret
as Claire
Daniel Lorieux
as Jean-Loup