Palo Santo, a city on a distant planet, on which human beings are a rare commodity, worshipped and idolized by an android society. Olly, along with the final humans, is recruited to perform in a series of bizarre erotic cabarets, for an artificial master known only as The Showman.
Olly Alexander
as Olly Alexander
วิทยา ปานศรีงาม
as The Showman
Ben Whishaw
as Palo Santo Hologram
Judi Dench
as Mother of Palo Santo
Tachanan Khontrong
as Dirty Human
Kate Usoltseva
as Dirty Human
Tanapath Singamrath
as Judge
Victor Osazee
as Judge
Irina Sharokhovakaya
as Judge
Kullapat Pongpraphap
as Old Showman
Olga NV
as New Showman
Anastasia Maslova
as Neon Cabaret Singer