Freddy Lupin, heir to a proud family line of werewolves, is in for a shock when on his 14th birthday his first 'warfing' goes awry, turning him into a ferocious poodle. The pack elders give Freddy until the next moonrise to prove he has the heart of a wolf, or risk being cast out forever. With the help of an unlikely ally in a streetwise stray named Batty, Freddy must prove he's 100% Wolf.
Ilai Swindells
as Freddy Lupin (voice)
Jai Courtney
as Flasheart (voice)
Samara Weaving
as Batty (voice)
Rhys Darby
as Foxwell Cripp (voice)
Jane Lynch
as The Commander (voice)
Rupert Degas
as Uncle Hotspur Lupin / Additional Voices (voice)
Magda Szubanski
as Mrs. Mutton (voice)
Akmal Saleh
as Hamish (voice)
Sarah Rose Harper
as Twitchy (voice)
Michael Bourchier
as Lord Hightail (voice)
Kate Hall
as Lady Hightail (voice)
Adriane Daff
as Harriet (voice)