The united town of sheep and wolves lives a peaceful and quiet life until two unexpected guests turn up - a polar fox and a tiny ewe. No one ever expected them to bring a deadly danger, which can be overcome only if they work together. Only teamwork can solve big problems and deal with serious challenges - as there is strength in unity.
Елизавета Боярская
as Bianca (voice)
Максим Матвеев
as Sergey (voice)
Galina Korneva
as Simona (voice)
Антон Юрьев
as Ziko (voice)
Alexey Sigaev
as Chuk (voice)
Daniil Eldarov
as (voice)
Mikhail Belyakovich
as (voice)
Михаил Тихонов
as (voice)
Oleg Kutsenko
as (voice)
Никита Прозоровский
as (voice)
Алексей Войтюк
as (voice)
Olga Shorokhova
as (voice)