The story of notorious outlaw Taylon Flynn, a man hell-bent on exiting this life in a blaze of glory. His plans go awry upon the discovery of the sordid life his estranged daughter is forced to live. To save her, he must summon the inner demons he purged long ago, and finds that redemption is a hard road to travel.
Lance Henriksen
as Taylon
Tom Berenger
as Will
Danny Trejo
as River Man
Lulu Wilson
as Sally Anne
Jamie McShane
as Doctor Jenkins
Meg Chambers Steedle
as Heidi
Chris Romano
as Bartender (Hesperus)
Steve Railsback
as Jaden
Billy Lush
as Virgil
Carter Hastings
as Jonathan
Jackson A. Dunn
as Henry
Steven M. Porter
as Bank Manager