Set ahead of the 2012 London Olympics, the film follows Liam, an ex-con trying to win back the love and trust of his family. He has lost everything at the hands of a local crime syndicate run by Clifford Cullen, who has high-level connections in politics, finance and the police force. Liam's drive for redemption sees him caught up in a web of conspiracy, crime, and corruption.
Sam Claflin
as Liam
Charlie Murphy
as Connelly
Timothy Spall
as Clifford Cullen
Hugh Bonneville
as Hammond
Noel Clarke
as Beckett
David Hayman
as Raymond Ellery
Alan McKenna
as Isaac
Shaun Dooley
as Eamonn
Adam Long
as Byford
Sam Otto
as Khaliq
Cathal Pendred
as Gerry Dwyer
Decca Heggie
as Jonjo