Filmmaker Bryce Hirschberg makes an auspicious directorial debut with this crime thriller centered around recent college graduate, Bridger (Hirschberg), and his desperate attempt to save his dying mother with the help of his friends, and his do-it-yourself method of counterfeiting money. Winner of 15 awards in over 20 international film festivals including Best Picture and Best Actor, COUNTERFEITERS takes you on a journey through Bridger, and his friends', final night of counterfeiting money before all hell breaks lose.
Robert McEveety
as Rob
Shawn Rolph
as Jimmy
Taylor Lockwood
as Preston
Nick Huebner
as Alvin
Annie Newton
as Megan
Peyton Pritchard
as Amber
Bridget Avildsen
as Genise
Bryce Hirschberg
as Bridger