Deep within the mysterious Arboria Institute, a disturbed and beautiful girl is held captive by a doctor in search of inner peace. Her mind controlled by a sinister technology. Silently, she waits for her next session with deranged therapist Dr. Barry Nyle. If she hopes to escape, she must journey through the darkest reaches of The Institute, but Nyle wonʼt easily part with his most gifted and dangerous creation.
Michael J Rogers
as Barry Nyle
Eva Bourne
as Elena
Scott Hylands
as Mercurio Arboria
Marilyn Norry
as Rosemary Nyle
Rondel Reynoldson
as Margo
Ryley Zinger
as Sentionaut
Gerry South
as Skinny Hesher
Chris Gauthier
as Fat Hesher
Geoffrey Conder
as Mutant
Ronald Reagan
as Self (archive footage)