Each day when the humans leave Cecebre Forest, its transforms into a magical place where plants and creatures come alive in wonderful ways. Trouble strikes on the day that men in hard hats plant a long, hard, cold telephone pole in the middle of the forest. The forest is in disarray and Furi, a friendly mole, finds that his friend Linda is missing along with an entire mole colony! The forest creatures join Furi on his quest to find the moles, proving that friendship can overcome any obstacle.
Nacho Aldeguer
as Furi (voice)
Mar Bordallo
as Linda (voice)
Claudio Rodríguez
as Carballo (voice)
Juan Miguel Cuesta
as Piñeiro (voice)
Javier Franquelo
as Eucalipto (voice)
Rafael Azcárraga
as Rosendo, Cuscús - and others (voice)
Lucía Esteban
as Sra. D'Abondo (voice)
María Teresa Neila
as Sabela (voice)
Beatriz Berciano
as Luci (voice)
Héctor Cantolla
as Poste (voice)