John Carter is a war-weary, former military captain who's inexplicably transported to the mysterious and exotic planet of Barsoom (Mars) and reluctantly becomes embroiled in an epic conflict. It's a world on the brink of collapse, and Carter rediscovers his humanity when he realizes the survival of Barsoom and its people rests in his hands.
Taylor Kitsch
as John Carter
Lynn Collins
as Dejah Thoris
Samantha Morton
as Sola
Mark Strong
as Matai Shang
CiarĂ¡n Hinds
as Tardos Mors
Dominic West
as Sab Than
James Purefoy
as Kantos Kan
Willem Dafoe
as Tars Tarkas
Thomas Haden Church
as Tal Hajus
Bryan Cranston
as Powell
Daryl Sabara
as Edgar Rice Burroughs
Polly Walker
as Sarkoja