Young America is a 1942 American drama film directed by Louis King and written by Samuel G. Engel. The film stars Jane Withers, Jane Darwell, Lynne Roberts, Robert Cornell, William Tracy and Roman Bohnen. The film was released on February 6, 1942, by 20th Century Fox.
Jane Withers
as Jane Campbell
Jane Darwell
as Grandmother Nora Campbell
Lynne Roberts
as Elizabeth Barnes
Robert Cornell
as Jonathan Blake
William Tracy
as Earl Tucker, alias Ivan Leslie
Roman Bohnen
as Mr. Barnes
Irving Bacon
as Bart Munson
Ben Carter
as Abraham
Louise Beavers
as Pansy
Darryl Hickman
as David Engstrom
Sally Harper
as Susie Clark
Carmencita Johnson
as Hazel, Jane's Sister