Telemachus, an unhappy old man, still lives with his sister, whom he expects to restore so that he marries the woman he loves. In the end, he is persuaded by a friend to put an ad in the newspaper to find her bridegroom, without mentioning her real age and highlighting her dowry. Finally, two bridal candidates appear: A retired and a Greek-Argentine landowner...
Βασίλης Λογοθετίδης
as Tilemahos Karantaris
Σμάρω Στεφανίδου
as Chrysanthi Karantari
Ίλυα Λιβυκού
as Fofo
Θάνος Τζενεράλης
as Stamatis
Στέφανος Στρατηγός
as Rokas
Βαγγέλης Πρωτόπαπας
as Kriton Stefanis
Ντίνα Σταθάτου
as Chrysanthi Karantari (cousin)
Μιχάλης Παπαδάκης
as Tax Inspector (uncredited)
Άννα Ρούσσου
as Neighbor