A celebrated violin player, Karin, has to end her stellar career after a car accident makes her fingers stop working their magic. She starts teaching students who are twenty years younger than her, only to find herself falling in love with Antti, one of her students. They are not an easy match, both being passionate about the music and overly ambitious about their careers.
Matleena Kuusniemi
as Karin Nordström
Olavi Uusivirta
as Antti
Kim Bodnia
as Björn Darren
Samuli Edelmann
as Jaakko
Misa Lommi
as Sofia
Pyry Nikkilä
as Jarno
Emmi Pesonen
as Riitta
Paavo Westerberg
as Markku
Mikko Kouki
as Kulttuurisäätiön mies
Jussi Nikkilä
as Taidesäätiön mies
Timo Kalliokoski
as Eemeli
Pio Simonsen
as Konserttijärjestäjä