For Halloween 1992, the BBC decides to broadcast an investigation into the supernatural, hosted by TV chat-show legend Michael Parkinson. Parky (assisted by Mike Smith, Sarah Greene & Craig Charles) and a camera crew attempt to discover the truth behind the most haunted house in Britain. This ground-breaking live television experiment does not go as planned, however.
Michael Parkinson
as Presenter
Sarah Greene
as Reporter
Craig Charles
as Interviewer
Mike Smith
as Phone-In Presenter
Gillian Bevan
as Dr. Lin Pascoe
Brid Brennan
as Pamela Early
Michelle Wesson
as Suzanne Early
Cherise Wesson
as Kim Early
Colin Stinton
as Dr. Emilio Sylvestri
Mike Aiton
as Sound Recordist
Chris Miller
as Cameraman
Ruth Sheen
as Emma Stableford (voice)