An old detective does not want to retire. The only way out is to prove to his boss that he still can catch criminals. The problem is that there were no crimes recently to work on. Together with his retired friend he decides to commit a perfect crime himself and then quickly solve it. Real problems start when a real criminal steals money he has stolen.
Юрий Никулин
as Николай Мячиков
Евгений Евстигнеев
as Воробьев
Ольга Аросева
as Анна Суздалева, инкассатор
Андрей Миронов
as Юрий Проскудин
Юрий Белов
as Дежурный милиционер
Валентина Талызина
as Секретарша Федяева
Нина Агапова
as Смотрительница музея
Роман Филиппов
as Грабитель
Готлиб Ронинсон
as Врач скорой помощи
Лев Дуров
as Шофёр инкассаторской машины
Борис Рунге
as Директор обувного магазина
Виктор Байков
as Главбух