Mbah Sri (95 years old) is looking for the grave of her husband, who has been missing for decades, with one simple aim: she wants to rest in peace beside her husband’s grave.
Ponco Sutiyem
as Mbah Sri
Rukman Rosadi
as Prapto/Cucu Mbah Sri
Ledjar Subroto
as Mbah Tresno/Anak Kyai Husodo
Vera Prifatamasari
as Calon Istri Prapto
E. Suhardjendro
as Saksi Sejarah
Sasmo Wiyanto
as Saksi Sejarah
Sugeng Prihatin
as Saksi Sejarah
as Saksi Sejarah
Harso Diyono
as Saksi Sejarah
as Saksi Sejarah
Fajar Suharno
as Saksi Sejarah
Sri Mulyani
as Tetangga Mbah Tresno